Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Tone of Voice

It’s not so much what we say 
As the manner in which we say it; 
It’s not so much the language we use 
As the tone in which we convey it; 
“Come here!”, I sharply said, 
And the child cowered and wept. 
“Come here,” I said- 
He looked and smiled 
And straight to my lap he crept. 

Words may be mild and fair 
And the tone may pierce like a dart; 
Words may be soft as the summer air; 
But the tone may break my heart; 
For words come from the mind 
Grow by study and art---- 
But tone leaps from the inner self 
Revealing the state of the heart. 

Whether we know it or not, 
Whether we mean or care, 
Gentleness, kindness, love, and hate, 
Envy, anger, are there. 
Then, would we quarrels avoid 
And peace and love rejoice? 
Keep anger not only out of your words- 
Keep it out of your voice.
~Author Unknown
(Though many claim it.)

Monday, December 29, 2014

We Are Resources for Refugees

ROP was visited by three women from a church on the Southwest side of metro Denver, looking for resources for the refugees who sought help from their large church, but live in our neighborhood.

The church had risen to the occasion and were starting to outreach with them in North Aurora.  However, they didn’t know what additional resources might be available in the local area.  They had dropped by to learn more.

I filled them in about what is available at ROP.  I shared the struggle that many of us have about finding resources and tracking them for our communities.  Yet, the most interesting part of the conversation happened when the topic turned to some of the frustrating attempts to have mothers adhere to the rules.

I asked for an example.  “How do we get them to put shoes on their children in winter?”
“Don’t let them on the bus,” another suggested.  They explained that many of the children they picked up for children’s church were in flip flops, even with snow on the ground.  I asked what their mothers had been wearing on their feet. They looked at each other and then me. “I don’t recall.”

I explained that we had noticed an  issue with the children was often mirrored with the parents.  Slippers, sandals and flip flops were common.

In getting to know the moms, we were able to get a read on the fact that shoes were bought that were familiar to their culture before climate was considered.  Once bought, the money or shoes could not be replaced easily.

We began offering shoes, but the families were reluctant to accept.  They had bought shoes, they were providing for their children, they would make do.

Then I got to know one mother even a little better.  I shared with her about my own children and the way they grow so quickly, the colds that they bring home from school, the price of medicine and my desire to see them healthy.  I shared about husbands doing so much for the family and we women making things stretch.  As a friend, the shoes were welcomed.  I received a beautiful scarf in return.

We don’t all learn from cultural cues on the nightly news (in English) or what other cultures are wearing (they’re different).  Yet, trusted information can come from one another through relationship.  Friends that we feel know us and are not attempting to change us, only help us grow.

God built us to be the best resource to one another, even if it’s helping a friend link into other trusted resources, too.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Gift of Christmas

This year, my family and I will not be spending our Christmas together.

With kids away at college or spending the day with the other side of the family, there will be no kids at home.  My husband is working at United, so I will be visiting my folks for lunch and a few stocking stuffers.

It’s wonderful when you can have family, even difficult ones, for the holidays.  I have served many that had none, so shared it with our ministry.

This year, and years like it, take me to a different side of the gift Christ brought to us.
Matt 5:3-12
The blessings for the poor, those who mourn, the meek, they who hunger & thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers. Blessings for those persecuted for righteousness and you who are insulted, persecuted & falsely accused for His sake.

Rejoice and be glad.  He is come. Hope reigns!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Trying to be Heard

I am reminded often, by our community, that I have a lot to learn about justice, mercy and walking humbly with my God.

News channels and social media are ripe with strong emotions, with anger, fear and sad mournful messages, about all that has been going on around our country because of Ferguson.

I went to a city meeting of leaders in Aurora, CO, and felt tensions rise and fall around these same conversations.  Their point was that we have to be more than just reactionary.

I have appreciated my home church and pastors not shying away from cultural talks and the scriptures that speak to Christ’s perspective and response in trying times.  Yet, I think the thing that has touched my heart the most is a young woman who shared her heart and pain and taught me something.

As we got past her reactions to the headlines, to the heart of her pain, she confessed, “I know why I’m mad.  I met another half–brother yesterday.  My daddy been sleeping with so many, I might be related to half this town.”

“Stupid, it all ain’t nothin’ but stupid.  Mama got more money if dad wasn’t around.  They paid my daddy to leave.  I got 16 that I know of.  Now, I don’t trust white people, say they want to help and then make it so he can’t stay with us.

“But men are dogs.  They don’t have a family to keep ‘um straight, then they stray.  I ain’t havin’ no babies.  Who knows if I might be related to most of these boys in my school.”

It was her anger, hurt and loss talking.  I was here to listen, not judge or preach.  Only validate her and her very real pain. 

I worry that we’re all so busy trying to teach each other a lesson loudly or violently that we’ve forgotten that someone has to feel heard and acknowledged first.  Then in relationship we can begin to bring the darkness to light and try to heal.

Next month will see the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday.  A movie is coming out about Selma.  Are we listening to people or just reacting to far away news?  I pray I’m listening with my whole heart and learning, too.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sharing a New Process for Me

God has been laying on my heart something new about raising support as His missionary along East Colfax, in the New Year of 2015.  =)

As all of you who have supported me throughout the years know, I’m not one to throw a fundraiser often.  I’m uncomfortable talking to a large group with impassioned speeches about funding my ministry.  It feels too much like a broken conversation, only moving in one direction and not a dialog.

I like conversation, getting to know someone and starting relationships.  Allowing people to be as involved and engaged as they feel comfortable with as they partner with me in building God’s kingdom.

Looking at my current support shortfall, however, I set a time for a period of study in the scriptures and listening for God’s plans to meet these needs.  I made a commitment to meet with all of my supporters one to one before the end of the year.  Some have already been praying and acting as good advisers with me.  I must say, I like what God has planned.

Stepping out in faith, we want to help me create more opportunities to come alongside those of you who want to share with friends, but don’t want to do the talking.  I’m comfortable with small, but God is stretching me and my faith to something just a bit bigger.

I believe that support comes from real people with big hearts and the Holy Spirit’s leading them to give of their time, talent and treasure.  Fundraising is a process of relationship, opportunity and God’s provision, not lack of it.

So, starting in the New Year, I will be doing my usual one to one coffee or small meal meetings, but adding a small group function every other month or so.  Something you might feel comfortable or even excited about bring a guest or two with you.  I’ll still be seeking ongoing feedback and suggestions, but here’s what I have in mind, so far:

January 2nd—Friday evening:            New Year Revelations (Not Resolutions)
April 3rd—Friday evening:                        A Full Christian Seder Dinner (it takes awhile)
Further events, to be determined later.

Additionally, I continue to be available for you to bring to your small group or house party to translate the cause of giving and loving God through service.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Poor Issues...

North Aurora, along our East Colfax corridor, does not have a bus system for their schools.
We enjoy the beauty of seeing lots of parents walking their Elementary kids to school and home again.  We know the times of day when the Middle Schools let out and later the High Schools.  We know because the sidewalks and side streets fill up with kids walking home.

Yet, parents telling stories about walking uphill, 5 miles, in a snow storm, though amusing to tease about, is no joke to the marginalized families in our neighborhood that do not own cars, or have the extra money for public transit for kids on bad weather days.

Parents start making hard choices, not about taking the time to drop them off before and after work, but whether to let them walk miles to school at all when it’s minus 12 degrees Fahrenheit.

Education loses and children suffer from weather and circumstances.  What should parents do when it’s been that or worse for a whole week?
How do school systems without the budget for busses help?
How do we as a ministry advocate for our community?
How are neighbors fitting into this equation?
Every marginalized family faces hard choices.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Interdependence, not Independence, is God’s Plan

Last week a local pastor called me concerning a poor couple who’s small RV broke down in Erie, CO.  They were in a motel about 10 blocks away from me and didn’t know Denver.  All they needed was someone who knew the area, a good & fair priced mechanic that could travel and a ride back up to the RV.  One Christian friend from another church &they are back on their way for the cost of a part & 1/3 of the labor cost.

Flor is a single mom of a boy & girl in Middle & High School.  She just qualified for a free flip phone as sole care for her aging mother.  It takes 6 weeks to ship.  The schools requires a parent to have a phone, no exceptions.  So I’m her phone, two blocks over, until the flip phone gets here.

God fills us all with the hunger and longing for fellowship.  First with Him, then with others in the body of Christ, then serving His lost brothers.  It's not always easy or convenient, like writing my tithe check for the offering, yet it is infinitely richer in relationship & fruit of the Spirit.

When I became a Christian, I learned church isn’t a requirement, it’s about fellowship and a chance to reach out to connect or help others, as I am helped.

Ministry isn’t about teaching others they need to be more independent to succeed, but revealing that none of us really succeeds without a relationship with Christ; in any of the  areas of our lives and relationships that really matter and have lasting value.

Everyday, God teaches me the importance of working, not as a know-it-all, but collaboratively with my neighbors to find new  solutions that work for us in ways that God intends. 

God built us with a need to live in community, learning to recognize and draw upon the unique gifts and ministries of all whom God has designed.

Synergy, when the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts.  East Colfax, here  are faces of Christ I want to meet, share Him with & learn from in faith. =)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Christmas Complaints

Ever complain about the Christmas stuff coming out along with the Halloween décor?  I have!
At least I used to, until I got older and was called into missionary service.

When planning to come alongside our marginalized families in more dignified ways, we start planning in September, sometimes August.

This last week someone was shocked that to donate to our ROP Christmas Store, the toys and clothes had to get to us before Thanksgiving.

How else could we have the parents shop for their kids presents on Dec 6th?

I’m not saying you have to LIKE seeing Christmas in stores before Halloween, but when you minister and serve others for the holiday, it can be a blessing!  =)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Missionary Minute...

I suggested to my husband, yesterday, that I was planning to start a project on our home that might take a while.

He looked at me like I was crazy, then gently reminded me, “Are you sure you want to start that right before the ROP holiday events?”

What had I been thinking?!  Starting Oct 31st, ministry hits a distance run of holidays through to the New Year: Fall Festival, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Not to mention 2015 budgets, goals and objective meetings to settle by the end of November.  I obviously wasn’t thinking, in these few weeks of quiet before the storm.

Have you ever gotten so used to being busy, that you cram things into the spaces where you aren’t, or is it just me?

By my work load, you’d think the still small voice of God doesn’t have a chance.
It is only in my morning devotionals, where there is a haven and a habit of stilling myself and seeking God’s will.

The “dumb” project idea happened to be on a day that I hadn’t taken the time for devotion.  And that is really about, isn’t it? Devotion, worship, a time of gratitude and new direction.
As the pace quickens into the holidays, let’s listen to God each day & thank Him.