Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Missionary Minute...

I suggested to my husband, yesterday, that I was planning to start a project on our home that might take a while.

He looked at me like I was crazy, then gently reminded me, “Are you sure you want to start that right before the ROP holiday events?”

What had I been thinking?!  Starting Oct 31st, ministry hits a distance run of holidays through to the New Year: Fall Festival, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Not to mention 2015 budgets, goals and objective meetings to settle by the end of November.  I obviously wasn’t thinking, in these few weeks of quiet before the storm.

Have you ever gotten so used to being busy, that you cram things into the spaces where you aren’t, or is it just me?

By my work load, you’d think the still small voice of God doesn’t have a chance.
It is only in my morning devotionals, where there is a haven and a habit of stilling myself and seeking God’s will.

The “dumb” project idea happened to be on a day that I hadn’t taken the time for devotion.  And that is really about, isn’t it? Devotion, worship, a time of gratitude and new direction.
As the pace quickens into the holidays, let’s listen to God each day & thank Him.

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