Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Gift of Christmas

This year, my family and I will not be spending our Christmas together.

With kids away at college or spending the day with the other side of the family, there will be no kids at home.  My husband is working at United, so I will be visiting my folks for lunch and a few stocking stuffers.

It’s wonderful when you can have family, even difficult ones, for the holidays.  I have served many that had none, so shared it with our ministry.

This year, and years like it, take me to a different side of the gift Christ brought to us.
Matt 5:3-12
The blessings for the poor, those who mourn, the meek, they who hunger & thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers. Blessings for those persecuted for righteousness and you who are insulted, persecuted & falsely accused for His sake.

Rejoice and be glad.  He is come. Hope reigns!

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