Thursday, November 13, 2014

Interdependence, not Independence, is God’s Plan

Last week a local pastor called me concerning a poor couple who’s small RV broke down in Erie, CO.  They were in a motel about 10 blocks away from me and didn’t know Denver.  All they needed was someone who knew the area, a good & fair priced mechanic that could travel and a ride back up to the RV.  One Christian friend from another church &they are back on their way for the cost of a part & 1/3 of the labor cost.

Flor is a single mom of a boy & girl in Middle & High School.  She just qualified for a free flip phone as sole care for her aging mother.  It takes 6 weeks to ship.  The schools requires a parent to have a phone, no exceptions.  So I’m her phone, two blocks over, until the flip phone gets here.

God fills us all with the hunger and longing for fellowship.  First with Him, then with others in the body of Christ, then serving His lost brothers.  It's not always easy or convenient, like writing my tithe check for the offering, yet it is infinitely richer in relationship & fruit of the Spirit.

When I became a Christian, I learned church isn’t a requirement, it’s about fellowship and a chance to reach out to connect or help others, as I am helped.

Ministry isn’t about teaching others they need to be more independent to succeed, but revealing that none of us really succeeds without a relationship with Christ; in any of the  areas of our lives and relationships that really matter and have lasting value.

Everyday, God teaches me the importance of working, not as a know-it-all, but collaboratively with my neighbors to find new  solutions that work for us in ways that God intends. 

God built us with a need to live in community, learning to recognize and draw upon the unique gifts and ministries of all whom God has designed.

Synergy, when the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts.  East Colfax, here  are faces of Christ I want to meet, share Him with & learn from in faith. =)

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