Thursday, November 20, 2014

Poor Issues...

North Aurora, along our East Colfax corridor, does not have a bus system for their schools.
We enjoy the beauty of seeing lots of parents walking their Elementary kids to school and home again.  We know the times of day when the Middle Schools let out and later the High Schools.  We know because the sidewalks and side streets fill up with kids walking home.

Yet, parents telling stories about walking uphill, 5 miles, in a snow storm, though amusing to tease about, is no joke to the marginalized families in our neighborhood that do not own cars, or have the extra money for public transit for kids on bad weather days.

Parents start making hard choices, not about taking the time to drop them off before and after work, but whether to let them walk miles to school at all when it’s minus 12 degrees Fahrenheit.

Education loses and children suffer from weather and circumstances.  What should parents do when it’s been that or worse for a whole week?
How do school systems without the budget for busses help?
How do we as a ministry advocate for our community?
How are neighbors fitting into this equation?
Every marginalized family faces hard choices.

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