Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Sharing a New Process for Me

God has been laying on my heart something new about raising support as His missionary along East Colfax, in the New Year of 2015.  =)

As all of you who have supported me throughout the years know, I’m not one to throw a fundraiser often.  I’m uncomfortable talking to a large group with impassioned speeches about funding my ministry.  It feels too much like a broken conversation, only moving in one direction and not a dialog.

I like conversation, getting to know someone and starting relationships.  Allowing people to be as involved and engaged as they feel comfortable with as they partner with me in building God’s kingdom.

Looking at my current support shortfall, however, I set a time for a period of study in the scriptures and listening for God’s plans to meet these needs.  I made a commitment to meet with all of my supporters one to one before the end of the year.  Some have already been praying and acting as good advisers with me.  I must say, I like what God has planned.

Stepping out in faith, we want to help me create more opportunities to come alongside those of you who want to share with friends, but don’t want to do the talking.  I’m comfortable with small, but God is stretching me and my faith to something just a bit bigger.

I believe that support comes from real people with big hearts and the Holy Spirit’s leading them to give of their time, talent and treasure.  Fundraising is a process of relationship, opportunity and God’s provision, not lack of it.

So, starting in the New Year, I will be doing my usual one to one coffee or small meal meetings, but adding a small group function every other month or so.  Something you might feel comfortable or even excited about bring a guest or two with you.  I’ll still be seeking ongoing feedback and suggestions, but here’s what I have in mind, so far:

January 2nd—Friday evening:            New Year Revelations (Not Resolutions)
April 3rd—Friday evening:                        A Full Christian Seder Dinner (it takes awhile)
Further events, to be determined later.

Additionally, I continue to be available for you to bring to your small group or house party to translate the cause of giving and loving God through service.

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