Thursday, December 11, 2014

Trying to be Heard

I am reminded often, by our community, that I have a lot to learn about justice, mercy and walking humbly with my God.

News channels and social media are ripe with strong emotions, with anger, fear and sad mournful messages, about all that has been going on around our country because of Ferguson.

I went to a city meeting of leaders in Aurora, CO, and felt tensions rise and fall around these same conversations.  Their point was that we have to be more than just reactionary.

I have appreciated my home church and pastors not shying away from cultural talks and the scriptures that speak to Christ’s perspective and response in trying times.  Yet, I think the thing that has touched my heart the most is a young woman who shared her heart and pain and taught me something.

As we got past her reactions to the headlines, to the heart of her pain, she confessed, “I know why I’m mad.  I met another half–brother yesterday.  My daddy been sleeping with so many, I might be related to half this town.”

“Stupid, it all ain’t nothin’ but stupid.  Mama got more money if dad wasn’t around.  They paid my daddy to leave.  I got 16 that I know of.  Now, I don’t trust white people, say they want to help and then make it so he can’t stay with us.

“But men are dogs.  They don’t have a family to keep ‘um straight, then they stray.  I ain’t havin’ no babies.  Who knows if I might be related to most of these boys in my school.”

It was her anger, hurt and loss talking.  I was here to listen, not judge or preach.  Only validate her and her very real pain. 

I worry that we’re all so busy trying to teach each other a lesson loudly or violently that we’ve forgotten that someone has to feel heard and acknowledged first.  Then in relationship we can begin to bring the darkness to light and try to heal.

Next month will see the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday.  A movie is coming out about Selma.  Are we listening to people or just reacting to far away news?  I pray I’m listening with my whole heart and learning, too.

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