Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Living Worship Nepali Church

Pastor Habil Rasaily is a man on the move with a heart for God and passion for church building and planting.

I (& others at ROP )had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Habil at a special symposium for refugee pastors at the 2014 Unity Conference.

Not only does he pastor his church and minister to his congregation’s needs in the evenings, he works a full time job to pay the bills.
Yet, the call of Christ he has for church planting has led him to deepen his relationship with ROP.

His vision is to connect Nepali pastors and refugee churches to each other to help them stabilize in the U.S. and grow their congregations with new believers.

We are walking with him through the bureaucracy of starting a 501c3 ministry to reach this goal.  Please pray for us and God’s will.

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