Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Prayer Teams and Groups

Prayer is so much more than just a list of needs or a litany of issues for God to resolve in our lives.

It is a time of fellowship and relationship.  First with God, then growing to include others.
We are called to pray for one another, intentionally, lifting up our sisters and brothers in Christ.

When I was first called to ministry, I was challenged by my mentor to start by creating a prayer team, even before starting to raise support.  It is still a strong group or prayer warriors that I depend on weekly.  Yet, I needed more.

The greatest lesson I’ve learned along the way in inner city missions is the importance of prayer in relationship with others.

I’m not talking about public prayers that are more for show and do not share or show our true selves.

I’m talking about the real interaction of lifting up Christ, inviting the Holy Spirit in and finding the place where God intercedes and helps us be truly honest and real with each other.

It creates a depth of communication and relationship where we start to see God moving in each other, in our own families and in the world.

Please take the time to join in a prayer team or group & reap the blessings.

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