Wednesday, January 28, 2015


It’s the beginning of a new year and a great time to hear from you about what’s working and what needs work.
Some prefer paper, some email. Some of you requested only an “end of the year” receipt rather than monthly ones.

I have usually included this letter in receipts or attached to an email.  Yet, now I have a direct to email option, with functionality and a link for donations.

In the past I have done shorter bulletin type newsletters that have been needs based.  Yet, predominately I share the stories and lessons learned from my mission field. 

Feedback and ideas from you are what help me freshen things up.  So, I hope you will take part in a survey I will be sending out soon, to let me know how best to communicate.

Of course you are also welcome to email me back, call, meet over coffee, or whatever!  =)

Just know that my heart is to share with my partners (that’s you) how God is using us (our prayers, our donated goods, our support funds) to really build relationships, share Christ & restore lives along East Colfax!

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