Thursday, February 12, 2015

Covenant Love

You and I live in a world that understands contracts, not covenants.
Contracts are when two  parties, who both have something to offer, make a contract to obtain a benefit to both parties.

In our sinful selves, we filter everything through this filter, our relationships, even love.
Like marriages that fall apart due to inequality of roles, tit-for-tat with chores, romantic gestures, the hurts go deep.  

Our small groups at church are starting a study on God’s covenants throughout the Scripture.  For it is God who introduces us to covenants.

I’m learning covenants are promises made even without an equal benefit to both parties, when one has everything to offer and the other has nothing. They are made regardless of our failure to abide by our end.

I am quickly finding that, when God made a covenant with us, He never broke it.  We always (rather quickly) did.

Yet God never stopped desiring to have a deep relationship with you and me, or crave for us to abide with Him always.

So He took it on Himself, through the life and death of Christ, to create an eternal and unbreakable covenant with Himself as God, and Himself as Christ,. Therefore it is final and never will be broken.

There is nothing we can do or not do that will separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus.  -Romans 8:38-39

Though we are still sinful and broken, God will love us and seek us, whether we like it or not. And there is nothing we can do about it.  Our free will can push Him away or draw us closer, yet we cannot stop His love, hope or faith in us.

So, this month as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, whether single or married, alone or surrounded by friends, we are standing smack in the middle of God’s deep desire and crazy love for us!  God delights in us!

As His forgiven children, He finds no fault in you or me.  He only sees the opportunity for us to know Him more.

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