Monday, June 30, 2014

Light of Love

The light of love is seen in acts of the moment.  Then the battle is begun to not let those moments fade from our memory.

My youngest daughter lately turned 15 and will start her driver’s training this summer.  We now have a Sophomore & Senior in High School, the same in College and one 23 year old living in North Carolina.  My husband is suffering withdrawal with each one that leaves the nest.

I have felt much the same as my last mentee from my youth ministry days is now becoming a young woman building her own family.

This year was also the time my spirit chose to put me in an emotional tailspin of leaving my ability to be a mom behind.  Everything coincided to make for a dark month that it took my husband and mother to ease me back from into God’s gift of looking toward being a grandparent someday.

Never being able to be a mom has not kept me from being a mother through ministry and marriage.  Pray for me as I adjust into this new hope and joy that God has for me.

I’m learning once again to savor the love I find in each moment in life and in Christ.

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