Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It's About Faith in Action

For some reason, this keeps coming up recently, so I thought maybe it’s time to share again…    
I am a missionary that raises support.  I have never made my full support, though I have had fuller years and leaner years.  What does that mean? Is God not for me, am I faking my calling?

No.  I do not serve a God of disparity.  I believe all the money is God’s.  I tithe to support His kingdom.  (Numbers 18:26-29)  What does support look like to me?  More than money, which is a tool that God uses, (but is not confined to using).

The first thing that pops into my head when people ask me how I live on 1/3 of my support?  You, my ministry partners.  And a lot of other everyday Christians just like you.  The body of Christ. (I Corinthians 12:25-26)

"Nina" offering haircuts & spending the time in the chair catching up with the ministry, asking what to pray for & making sure I’d be back every two months.  "Caro" hearing that I was taking meetings with the city & offering me suits that didn’t fit after her weight loss.

"D" & "J" who returned for a time to help me make a difference.  Joining with others to give special monetary gifts and those that just faithfully give each month.  I share a special memory and experience with every one of my missionary team.  You are my partners, cheerleaders, and champions.

Every time I give it to God first and faithfully share my needs with you, without   expectation or shame, He is faithful to your prayers, in-kind gifts, donations, and service along side me.  

I have had my times of doubt.  When my focus is on Caesar’s money and not God’s provision.  Knowing I can make more in the corporate world to share with my family, I ask Him to reveal to me where He really wants me.  (Proverbs 30:8-9)  I don’t want to be a missionary because of my passion, but because of His will.

Every time, within a day, hours or even minutes.  A note, card, call, even an unexpected new donor, even multiple ones, flood in to renew His call on my life.  A cloud of witnesses to His truth.

I lead a simple life of faith.  I want to live in my heart the songs, “I Give Myself Away;” along with  “I Surrender All.”

I always want to see support raising as an opportunity to meet people that desire to serve & wish to share in the journey that draws us closer to Christ.

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