Friday, April 18, 2014

April ~ National Volunteer Month

The cornerstones of my missionary calling are relational ministry and asset based community development (ABCD).  I committed to the belief that community development starts with passionate everyday people.  Where I work we keep our staff numbers small and look to our community of churches and neighbors to come together to find or make solutions that fit our neighborhood.

We can think of nothing so important then that we honor the people who dedicate themselves to taking action and solving problems.  So, on April 26th, ROP will hold our annual Volunteer Dinner to celebrate and honor those that make our ministry and God’s kingdom alive and growing to meet the needs of so many.

I have been a witness to many of your gifts of few hours, once a week to bless our kids, parents and neighborhood.  These acts all deserve to be applauded, and as a faith based ministry that cannot do its work without them, I say thank you to every one of you who are serving God by giving back to His kingdom and community in your own way. 

So as we celebrate, let's recognize those who give themselves to help others. Let's motivate others to join the effort. And let’s give God all the glory for the great things He has done!  =)

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