Friday, April 11, 2014

Do we offer Liberty or Libel?

Moving so much, I became fascinated with sociology long before I knew it’s name.
It’s definition:  The science of society, social institutions, and social relationships;  specifically :  the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of      organized groups of human beings.

So this is what  I’ve learned of the development of my East Colfax community:
Currently we are 37% Nepal refugees, 30% Hispanic & it shakes down from there into tribes from Burma, Rep of Congo, Sudanese, etc.  The 15% black community is only 3% African American. The rest are natives of Africa where English is not their 1st language. Three years before now our highest  percents were Hispanic; before that Katrina survivors; before that Korean immigrants; before that…  how far should I go back?

Growing up moving around a lot, I knew early on, people are the same and very different all at the same time.  Regions, cultures & history created ebbs & flows, yet there is always a desire for health, work, a mate, children...

Now I live in an international community in an America that welcomed over31  million immigrants since 1994, (one year before Prodigal opened it’s doors), 75% of which are legal & documented.  It’s that last 25% that can harden our hearts, if we’re not careful.

Living as a gypsy with my family moving so much, it paid to pick up things fast and put prejudice aside to make friends.  Kids are just better at this than anyone.

Despite the labels we adults may use, our kids start out wanting to know more without fear.  Maybe because bonding with someone is more fun then isolation, in their eyes?

All I know? I was a stranger in a strange land most all my life.  God is very specific about every tribe & every nation, even in my backyard. And I find meeting someone and learning something new, fascinating.

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