Thursday, February 27, 2014

The quote my pastor used...

One of the things I love about my church is that we can laugh at ourselves.  We are all sinners saved by grace!

This month my pastor has started a new sermon series on the book of James.  He had a lot of great things to say.  Yet, the one that stuck with me is the Mike Tyson quote he used.  He used it to launch into an explanation of what a "corner man" does for the boxer.

In all my years as a missionary, I shudder to count how many times I’ve played “corner man” to adults and youth in my community.  I have such a short time in their schedule to help them shake off the punches, gain perspective and then refocus on what’s important before the bell rings for the next round.

No matter where we live & what our background, we all need a good corner man.
That’s one of the other things I love about my church: I feel like they get me!

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