Friday, March 7, 2014

Trials = Joy

Watching the freestyle skiing, a new event in this years Olympics I was introducing to one of our teens, we talked a little about what it takes to win gold.

She kept questioning me about the event and I confessed I didn’t know much of anything since it was the first time it’d been included in the games.

She was confused since the announcer kept referring to the long careers in the sport that many of the participants had before the Olympics.

As he filled the audience in about the history and the perseverance of the women, a scripture popped into my head and fell out of my mouth.

She gave me a shocked look and  asked me what trials had to do with it.  Just then the next competitor’s story was shared about all the injuries she was recovering from in order to compete: broken arm in two places, broken wrist, busted hip, etc.

We talked about how it’s the failures, the pain, and the cost that we continue to rise above that develop the strength and the wisdom to become the winner of our race.

“You mean the joy of winning is greater because of all she survived?”

I thought for a moment, “More than that, in considering the trials & pain itself, as well as, the joy, (all part of what it takes to get better,) then she had the strength to not walk away from something she loved. She could shine her light for the world to see and inspire others.

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