Friday, February 7, 2014

Where is the Dream?

I had the pleasure of listening to the President of the  Barber Shop Talk program this morning at a special MLK, Jr Breakfast held for city and faith leaders across Aurora.

He talked about the father of MLK, Jr and his life of service & sacrifice.  Teaching his son by word and example, at home, about the worth in being a leader through character rather than through fame and wealth.

He spoke of our generation of parents that feel drowned out with their kids technologies.     Witnessing the role models being all about fame & financial gain.  That lose each other to the din of progress and materialism.

He spoke of the peace that comes with living with less when our lives have purpose and are a service to others.  When we seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly.

When we begin to turn off the noise and speak to each other about the things that really matter.  Help each other find the ways we can allow our actions and our characters to count.

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