Friday, July 18, 2014

Local Church Outreach

Have you ever heard about an outreach or ministry growing an event so much that they gave it up?

That’s what ROP is doing with our “Back to School Outreach.” We’re small and all about relational ministry and community building.  Our annual outreach grew so big, it stopped being relational to our community.

So we took it to God in prayer. We listened to what our community felt they wanted and needed:  predominately, partnership built into our small, local pastors and churches. Helping them to reach out to each other and grow their congregations, creating relationship amongst each other.

We know that growing God's kingdom is of more reward than renown.  So this year, we’re proud to say we’re handing over the outreach and the resources to our local churches, seeking to serve them. God is great and sees farther than us all.

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