Monday, September 30, 2013

Coming Attraction! Creating Connections

Imagine your phone ringing 10 times a day with small church pastors seeking resources for individuals that have come to their church needing assistance.  Imagine that most are tent-maker pastors, with full time jobs, on top of their calling to lead God’s people.  This is beyond the 30 plus calls a day from individuals in our community.

When I first came to be a missionary to street youth along Colfax I was given the gift of a resource book of contact information for all sorts of resources in our area for minors.  Over the years, it has grown to include more resources, added resources for adults, and starting to include outlaying metro areas.  I have shared many resources with local pastors and individuals, over the years in my calling to minister and serve.
Colfax Avenue

As Public Relations Director for ROP, I continue to create connections to city leaders, local churches, partner organizations and others that serve our same community .  In this, I have discovered that God has blessed our faithful upkeep of this list by reveling that it is the most comprehensive and detailed collection of resources city wide.

God has given me a passion for relational ministry and creating community.  I see this resource manual as one more way that ROP can minister to others, not only those we serve, but all who seek to serve. 

Currently, I am seeking backing from city leaders and local businessmen for an opportunity to create this resource online, on a website.  This way, it might be used by pastors, partners and everyone who desires to find the connections they need to  find help, give help, or just discover ways to partner with existing services.  Please pray with me as I step out in faith for God’s plans for this project and the connections it would make in our community.

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