Friday, September 20, 2013

1st Annual Prodigal Alumni Reunion!

It started on Facebook.  I had posted a Prodigal page on Facebook about a year ago.         Surrendering to the fact that I needed to learn how to social network for work, anyway, and I already knew many of our teen used it excessively. =)

I started out posting old pictures of fun nights, camping trips and past volunteers.  It worked.  =)  What a wonderful way to remember our past & our chosen family.

I encouraged everyone to invite others, while I tried to get the word out to past staff, volunteers and board members.  Word spread and a few months ago, Adam, got on our page and said he wasn’t “gonna stop talking about it until we had a reunion.”  And he didn’t!

It took some time for me to talk to my boss, make a few posts for everyone to pick a location and then get the permits and permissions needed to meet.

It was so worth it!  A simple potluck at Lowry Park, under a gazebo.  I brought the old posters and watched as mom’s & dad’s showed their little ones how they looked way back when.  Everyone was laughing when I posted the Prodigal Rules poster.  We all got a chance to play catch-up, too.
Johnny, me & Sheri

In the midst of it all, Colorado weather sent us a thunderstorm, which made us all happy to be  under a gazebo!  Yet, even with wind & wet right in the middle, nobody was sorry that we came.  Talking together, there were lots of suggestions for next year.  

It felt good to see and hug everyone again, not just Facebook.  It was wonderful to join in prayer and take the time to reconnect.  This is the history and the joys that keep me working on Colfax!

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