Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Got Glass?

My Dad told me a favorite engineering joke once that changed my life:

“The pessimist says the glass in half empty;
the optimist, the glass is half full;
the engineer takes one look and says,
‘You’ve got too much glass.’”

I laughed of course, yet it stuck with me, even to my evening prayers. That’s when my mind stilled enough to hear a still small voice.  I had been hungering to feel closer to God yet felt like dry old leaves, blown by every wind, and overwhelmed.

A piece of scripture or just a phrase came to mind in that quietness, “I will fill your cup to overflowing.” Whether it read: my heart or my life with blessings, I couldn’t remember. I just knew it was something good, and what God intended for me, always.

I had been so busy doing for God and clinging to what I thought I needed, that I had forgotten to seek only Him as He striped things away and added things to my life according to His will.  Now, thanks to two fathers, both fantastic engineers. I try not to cling to things I own, or join things that are not God’s will for me.

I’m learning more each day how to give like all I own & earn are God’s and that He can be trusted to, not just take great care of me, but bless me beyond measure.

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