Thursday, November 17, 2011


Charity is an amazing young woman in her early 20’s that has tons of  energy and enthusiasm to volunteer with teens along East Colfax because she has been one.
I met her six months ago when she came to ROP excited about our passion and mission.  As we talked it became clear that, though a Christian, she was not living a lifestyle in line with God’s word.  Though I could not put her in a volunteer         position, I encouraged her heart and passion for the children and her very new walk of faith.
She comes intermittently  and asks me tons of things about starting a non-profit of her own, or even just a sports program for inner city children.  I could have just told her all the flaws yet we need women like her.  Each time, I give her the truth, but as an equal, with lots of examples for her to see from a greater perspective, and tons of encouragement, too.
Today she shared that she is now working with kids!  And I shared what an inspiration she has been to me, a street kid too, that God saved so that I could reach out to others.

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