Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Being Filled by Serving Others

If you’re one of my supporters or champions for very long, then you know I’m not always looking for     donations, fundraisers, or gifts.
Sometimes I’m looking for more  creative solutions, and those usually have names like yours.  =)
Volunteering skills and gifts that God has given you to share with others is a part of God’s call for you.
His kingdom grows and blessing flow as we seek to show our love for our Savior by loving others.  Often       discovering it becomes our favorite night or hour of the day.
ROP & I are inviting you to our annual “Join the Team” Open House.  We’re raising Volunteers and funding for underprivileged children and adult in our community.
For more info:
Remember, God delights in you and so do I.  Prayerfully,  Vicki

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