Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Passive or Active?

Why is it easier to spend three hours on Facebook then to schedule and enjoy an hour with a friend over coffee or whatever?

My husband likes to say that no one calls him, it’s always him making the call so he gives up. “Dee” says when she wants to go out with a friend, they are always busy.  "Tom" says he gets invited to bars and doesn’t want to hang out at places like that.  I’ve used a few of these, myself, in the old days.

Life is busy, schedules don’t always match and sometimes kids and crisis cause us to fail to reach out for a stretch of time.  There is no sin in these.  Why do you think Facebook took off so well in the first place?

Passive interaction takes a lot less commitment, time and responsibility than an active relationship.  No one sees my dirty kitchen or living room online.

I mean, Jesus never used networking, yet I am learning from His example more every time I read about it.

He sought, even if it meant leaving home, work, even convenience.  He offered, He didn’t beg and if something was drawing the other person away, He let them go.  He made Himself available. In Luke 8:45, Jesus stopped on the way to His planned appointment to address a  divine one.

Christ has made me more sensitive.  As a missionary, there’s responsibilities I owe to my supporters, my volunteers, my teams, my boss and those I serve.  Add to that serving my family and my church as part of their prayer team and hosting a small group in my home.

I understand wanting to sit on the couch & veg. I also know the echo of feeling unseen, unknown, or just misunderstood.  The desire for a friend and then the reality of my schedule.

I came up with a name for it: Chaos Management.  I start the day with prayer and a plan.  If I get it even half done, that’s success.  Additionally, if I get none of it done, but fulfilled a divine appointment, that’s success.

Christ has used ministry in my life to teach me the value and worth of living in the moment.  Continual prayer for each next task or person that God brings to me, or to my mind.  Serving Him actively makes me available and interruptible, more by far, than just watching TV.  Even if the moment is still, I want to be  abiding in Him and waiting expectantly.

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