Friday, January 24, 2014

GED Training for One and All

I’ve shared with you about the scramble our student have been making to get their GED before the end of 2013.  Out of 10 students, 2 tested with enough points to earn their GED.

What does that mean for the other  students?  Only that they must start over from scratch, but online.

Yet the plot thickens!  Two of the tests, Reading and Writing, have been combined.  Instead of one essay on a topic of your choosing, now there are multiple essays on specific current events.

Also, because of the versatility of online testing.  There is considerably less multiple choice.
What does that mean for ROP tutors?  We need to learn how to teach to the new tests, yes.  However, we also need to add basic training on how to test using a computer, both keyboard and mouse skills.

We will need to provide more computer skill practice time for those student without a      computer at home.

Needless to say, we’re training our trainers as well as the courageous students that are diving right into reaching, no stretching for their goals, too.

If you are as curious as I was, you can get more of the facts and even a practice test at the new website:

God has been good providing tutors, each with a particular strength, whether in Math, English, etc.  Eager students, striving to learn can be an addictive high for those who enjoy helping others learn.

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