Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Connection & Growth

Writing has always been a very solitary thing for me.  Crafting a thought into words takes space, silence, and a good deal of avoiding  interruptions.

It is the only time I cannot listen to music as I work.  Nothing that might break the mood or the thought that God is leading me to share.

Maybe that explains some of the struggle I’ve had accepting social media.  It’s writing, but immediate and conversational.  One must check back and pay attention and maybe even be quick with a response.  =)

I’m fascinated by my husband, who uses Facebook as a ongoing conversation with his family scattered across the eastern plains of CO, and farther.  He talks with his old high school friends, college friends, and even cousins, aunts & uncles.  For privacy, he has special pages for branches of his family; the Stones, the Ekbergs. I’m in awe.

When I first got on Facebook, he would gripe when I wasn’t up with the conversation because I hadn’t checked it in weeks. I’d also heard about inane chatter about who’s doing what when; “Just made a pizza for lunch.”  Yet, all these classes I’m taking for websites & social sites stress the importance of understanding these places are a new mission field, a place for relational partnerships between individuals and organizations.  The old ways are not gone, but we as Christians should not let technology and “newness” scare us away from places where we can lift Christ up.

I’ve since been trying to exercise new habits of social networking for ROP.  I’m not doing so well but I’m learning.  Yet, God is even faithful in the Internet world.  People have been ‘Liking’ our ROP Facebook page.  =)

Partner organizations on Twitter are reTweeting.  I don’t know exactly what I’m doing yet, but God knows what He has planned.  (Which I find incredibly reassuring.)

I want to create a wonderful place for people to visit and get to know ROP and each other.  A place to share ideas, event news and create new relationships and volunteers.

Please pray as God trains me and stretches me to learn a new way to build His vision.

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