Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cell Phone Prayers

Sitting with a small group of elementary and  middle  school children, who had recently accepted Christ was a treat.  I was asked to help kick off our summer discipleship program.
The volunteer lead had a wonderful lesson on cell phones and prayer.  I watched eyes light and hands shoot up to questions like:  If you wanted to call me could you press any numbers you wanted?  What’s God’s number? And many more.
Looking up passages in the bible, the children learned how They can call God anytime by using His number J-E-S-U-S.  That we can call Him any time and anywhere about anything.
I was asked to share my story of last week & how I had lost my smart  phone for a week.  How I prayed to God about it and how He answered my prayer.  We closed by asking the children to share their prayers so we could pray together.
I was in awe as I watched the Spirit move and these new little believers step out in faith.  I feel so blessed God invited you and I into sharing these simple truths with those who need His love!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mission Field?

It amazes me how many changes  technology has brought us over my lifetime.  For my grandmother, it was the invention & commercialization of airplanes.  She always looked to the skies with awe and wonder.
For me, it is computers, from the ticker cards they used when I was a child, to green monitors, then amber, and finally an inescapable part of our everyday life.
Who knows what the future may hold.  For the present, we live in a reality of websites and social media.  What an amazing new mission field.
Yes, mission field.  In learning how to join or keep up in this brave new era of Facebook and Twitter, I found     myself asking what it looked like to be a Christian in an online world.  Is there such a thing as living out my faith online?
Each training and class was quick to teach the mechanics of building a page, etc.  Yet, where is God’s hand in this?  Our children will never know a world without it all.
I’m learning a lot, yet I feel like we as Christians, have a lot of catching up to do.  What do you think about it all?