Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring Rainbows

There’s a special feeling when you find a rainbow; like you’re lucky and blessed all at the same time. It’s real, right there and you’re a witness to it.
Rainbows are a perfect storm of elements, dust for the rain to form around, rain, storm clouds, and sunlight. To see them you have to be between the storm and the light. The sun at your back, the rain off ahead.
And in that perfect moment there are no explosions of color to blind you, just the miracle of splintered sunlight revealing it’s inner beauty. It doesn’t block your view, it blesses and adds to it in a lovely and loving way.
Rainbows have always held a special place in my heart and imagination, ever since I was a little girl. God’s promise and hope to a broken world reaching from heaven. The melding of color and the magic that takes a “mess” of elements to create delicate beauty. Hope.

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