Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Presents to Presence

Presents and food were always the first thing that leapt into my mind when someone mentioned Christmas to me as a child.  So began my plotting and drooling.
Getting older means now I’m thinking about the presents to plan for and shop for and wrap, not to mention groceries and lots of cooking! Whew!
I still glean many joys from these things, yet, with age came a better   understanding of what the real gifts are that I should honor & praise.
First to honor the food of God’s word.  Not just on holidays, but for every    devotion, bible study and sermon each week.  I know I could never recall them all. Just as I will never remember every meal I’ve ever eaten.  Yet if I hadn’t eaten every day?
God’s word is even more essential to our faith than the food we eat to live!
Next is to praise the dearest thing of all to me which is God’s presence, (not presents, but you know what I mean) in my life, everyday!
And because I know He is with me, my attitude and presence can be a loving gift to others, too!  =)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Here I am, Lord

Arthur came to our door for his usual bag of food from our food bank. In exchange, he washes the windows of ROP. He is tall with long uncut hair & beard. Weather beaten and aged, it doesn’t seem all that surprising when you discover him talking to himself.

Rather than hold a sign that reads WILL WORK FOR FOOD, Arthur has created hand made tools and poles he uses to wash windows. Businesses offer him cash for services which he survives on and shares with others.

Arthur calls me by a different name every time he comes. He knows I’ll visit awhile after I bring his food.
It’s hard to follow the conversation when he talks of swimming at restaurants and deserts in people’s ears.
I can’t change Arthur or fix him, only accept him as a child of God. Yet, I have something to learn from Arthur for I can feel Christ with us every time I just sit and listen.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fuming to Counting Blessings

There has been more than one snow this last month that left my car covered.  Road conditions no one liked, and my appointments for work didn’t just cancel just because I didn’t want to drive.
I admit, I don’t have the greatest attitude for others sometimes, when I’m driving; so I’ve learned to pray.  This last month, it kind of went like this...
I hate scraping the car ~ Well at least I have a car
I have a garage to, but we’re using it for sorting through our household projects, and Christmas. Guess we’re blessed.
I hate driving in the snow ~ at least you’re not freezing at the bus stop. Think of all those people you’re seeing that don’t have a choice.
I have a warm home and food on my table, kids and a husband that love me.  We may not have a lot, but we have all that matters.
Thank you again, Jesus, for putting things in perspective.  Now, which station is it that has nonstop Christmas songs on the radio?  =)