Friday, November 1, 2013

Fall Back

Ever heard of the “Trust Fall” exercise?  It’s one of those things you get challenged to do as part of a team building exercise.

There’s the catcher and the person that faces away and takes the leap of faith to fall back and trust they will be caught.

The world says: get a job to pay your bills & have a fall back plan.  Christians are called to see God’s kingdom a little bit differently.  All we have, earn, seek, are God’s alone which He entrusts to us. We are called to be dependent on one another, the church, the body of Christ.

We display our faith by trusting in God’s love & His will to provide all that we need.

Does this mean we sit back on our hands and do nothing? No! We step out in faith. We spend time learning from God’s word (renewing our minds) and in prayer daily.  We are called to church, our 1st community.  We learn to love others as we see God’s love for them. We are called to rely on the body, each of it’s parts, to succeed as a whole.  We learn to work in tandem and teams as we serve as Christ did, as the disciples and apostles did.

This is how I have learned the Trust Fall from God, as a missionary. He called me to total commitment to Him.  It is not a job, but His call for me.  He will provide what I need, not by the world’s definition.  Yet in faith, I know my God is not a God of scarcity or lack, but a God of provision and promise; He is not my fall back plan, but a trusted Father that provides Trust Fall friends.

I don’t seek friendships for fundraising, but partners and champions who have a myriad of ways in which we come together as a community seeking to serve Christ through His call on my life.

Who are your Trust Fall partners in the body of Christ that seek to serve? You have them, too!