Friday, May 17, 2013

Preparation & Meditation

May is my Springtime preparation.  It’s the calm before the starting gun goes off June 1st.
ROP will be hosting three summer interns this year in partnership with Denver Urban Semester.

My role has always been as coordinator and mentor for their two months with us.  Training with them to get them up and running for youth day camps, food & clothing banks, tutoring with GED , administration fun and meeting with our community during ROP outreaches.

Like a box of chocolates, I have to be prepared for all sorts of personalities, skills and strengths.  It always goes best when I take the time to tune into God’s plans, rather than my own.

I still remember the great start I received from Jill when I first started with Prodigal.

A scary but exciting time, when we’re following God, yet not sure how it will change us as we learn about His heart for the lost, captive and poor.

May none of us forget our first time following Jesus into places that challenge us.  Moving us out of our comfort zones and into a deeper relationship.