Thursday, April 4, 2013

Accountability is not a bad word!

In such an independent society, I think this word has gotten a bad rap; along with responsibility and submission.
I’ve thought of it as a bad thing, myself.  Maybe that’s why the leader started out talking about good vs bad stress.
Bad stress being that which slows us down or makes us ineffective.  Good stress might be a deadline that gives us just enough tension to get the work done.

Accountability can very much be a good stresser in our lives. 

To know someone will be asking me about, say, my devotional time with God; following up with me about the prayer request I made; or just calling me on what I just said over coffee.

If you’re like me, you crave healthy relationships, friends and mentors.  Part of that is allowing those I’ve come to trust, the permission to speak into my life.

Not just anyone, and not someone that doesn’t know me; but someone I’m going to intentionally allow close enough to my struggle to become a part of my growth and development.