Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Year's Acomplishment

I know I’ve given you a few false starts about when, but not intentionally.  I’ve been eager to show you what I’ve been learning and doing over the last year, along with my other duties.  I’ve made some false starts and had to backup to learn about things that left me clueless.
However, March is the month!  Everyone has assured me that the timing is right and we can revel the upgrade to our own ROP website!

I’ve had help all along the way with editing, photos, and a great WordPress website design partner in John Fitzpatrick who is volunteering his expertise online from Arizona.  Communication has always been a passion of mine, yet I’ve had a lot to learn in this new age of website design, Twitter, and Facebook.

I’m sure I’ll be making a few mistakes along the way, yet I know you’ll go easy on me, right?

So, come on over and check it out next week!  Let me know what you think, share a suggestion, or look us up on Facebook or Twitter.
I’m a bit scared, but I think God has something great in mind for this!
It’s just a great new way to get Relational in Ministry!  =)
Twitter:  ROPministry
FB: Restoration Outreach Programs