Thursday, January 17, 2013

God Remembers

Sometimes, we find ourselves in the middle of storms.
A consequence of an action catches up with us.
We hurt someone or get hurt by someone.
We lose our jobs, our marriages and hope.
We land in the middle of a storm.
Recently, I read about someone who understands that.
In Genesis 8:1 it says, “But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.”
That is amazing. Why?
Well, the earth has 196,939,900 square miles of surface area.
The ark was 450 feet long and 75 feet wide.
It would have been easy to misplace something so small and insignificant. I lose my phone all the time and the   surface area of my pockets is less than 196,939,900.
But God remembered.
He remembered.
And he sent a wind.
And the waters receded.
That’s my prayer for you and I, that we will remember he remembers. That we serve a God who remembers us in our storms, sees us in our small boats, and recedes our waters with a gentle wind.