Saturday, April 21, 2012

Foreign Missions is Here

Missions:  a person undertaking a mission and especially a religious mission
Ministry:  a person or thing through which something is accomplished
I’m wondering if our culture has begun to believe what they see on TV.  That missions is only about starving children, villages stricken with disease, poverty, and a lack of education somewhere overseas.  As you see above, it’s not that complicated.
Transforming the world by living out our salvation in our daily lives, loving God, and loving our neighbor, does not take a passport.  It does, however mean joining a team.  Partnering with someone overseas or right in the urban neighborhoods of our city.
Transformation is a powerful word.  Just hearing it, we almost automatically think of radical conversions and incredible change.  But is it possible to transform an apartment building, a neighborhood, or a workplace into something Christ-like?  Jesus thinks so. 
“In your heart, set Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone that asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect.” 
1 Peter 3:15 

I live and work along the East Colfax corridor.  It is filled with motels and apartments teeming with old people, families, children, and teens.  Some of them may be immigrants, refugees, addicts, prostitutes, hustlers, dealers, or even none of those things.  Yet they are all my neighbors living along side me from day to day.
I’m looking for team members and partners in this calling God has placed on my life.  Individuals looking to learn more about faith, urban missions & ministry.  Will you consider joining my team as we lift God up?  Will members, already part of my team, reach out to others to join and share this experience with us?  God is up to something and I want to be part of it.  Please join me through prayer as we seek to lift Christ up along East Colfax!   =)