Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Come & See!

If there is one thing I’m learning the longer I walk with the Lord, is that I have a lot to learn.  Coming into this mission field, I had a lot of preconceived notions about who I was and what I had to offer.  God, in His infinite patience has used the wisdom of the Christians already here, those who have joined with me or who supported me, and those I serve, to be my very best teachers and mentors.

I find myself at a loss of words to express all that Christ has done and is doing with these street kids, this community, and even the Christian walk of everyone that touches this ministry.  I find myself saying “Come and see! It’s more than a building, more than a place, you can feel the passion and energy that the Holy Spirit brings to God’s work!”
Today, if someone asked me who Jesus was, I would say, “Come and see.  Let me show you Jesus with skin on!”  I have been asked how we “evangelize the poor here.”  I find myself wanting to say, we bring folks like you and me here to learn about the kingdom of God from the poor, and then send them out to tell the rich and powerful there is another way of life being born in the margins.
I have learned that Jesus didn’t seek out the rich and powerful to spread His kingdom for a very good reason.  Rather, He joined the bottom, the outcasts and undesirables.  Then those in the middle were attracted to His love for people on the margins, and even some of the rich and powerful, too.  (We all know that each of us really feels poor and lonely, don’t we?)

Then Christ did what the “trickle down economics” of man could never understand.  Jesus invited us all into a journey of downward mobility to become the least.  Teaching us that we should be shouting the gospel with our lives, not our rules.
So many “seekers,” whether from the street or the suburban churches we partner with, have not been able to hear the words of Christians because the lives of Christians have been making more noise than sense.  It can be so hard to hear a “still small voice” of the Spirit amid the current noise of Christendom.
All I thought I had to offer these kids and families living along East Colfax, was really so much noise, once I really began to listen to God’s plans.  Christ didn’t call them, “the least of these,” He call them, “the least of these, my brothers!”  So, now I am learning the true meaning of the gospel of “the first shall be the last.”

So here is my challenge for the coming year.  I want to bring these “kingdom” lessons to those that are curious or thirsty to know more.  I want to meet with you, share a cup of coffee and a story, and let myself be peppered with questions.  I want to share with as many as possible, the great things happening here that we can all be a part of for God’s glory.
And I want to challenge all of you!  “Come and see!  Do not sit idly by and wonder what it means when Christ asks us to have a Servant Heart.  Come and see Christ with skin on!”

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dip Your Foot in the Pool!

A journey closer to God begins with a first step...
All I had going for me when I first started checking out Prodigal as a place to volunteer was a passion for helping kids and a lot of confusion on where to go, how to start, and the knowledge I wasn’t sure I knew what I was doing!
I have no illusions that I am a perfect Christian.  I just knew that kids and teens, living in poverty, don’t deserve to be abandoned to their fate.  I just wanted to help in any little way I could.
My story is not unique.  I have heard it many times over as I have invited volunteers to join us in building Gods kingdom.    God has called us to have a heart for each other, and a heart for the poor.  His will is that we love our neighbors, whether they are Christians are not.
“I just feel like I’m not sure where to start, but I want to do something,” is a passionate statement often echoed.  Yet fears and frustrations often come up even before you check out the outreach you think you might want to be a part of at any church or organization.
All of us show up with some preconceived notions.  We’re human, it’s in our nature.  Then God steps in, bigger than our nature, and begins opening our eyes.  We learn that we have so much to learn.  That learning to love God better comes from learning to love His human beings better.
A light in the darkness showing the way.
It’s about making the time, not just for the cause you are excited about, but because through this process God is   revealing Himself.  It’s so common to get caught up in the routine of our lives and forget we have something to share that could change another’s life.
"I didn’t even know you guys were down here or that this stuff was happening to these people.”
“I’m learning so much each time I come down here to help.  I feel like the kids are teaching me so much more than I get to teach them!”
“I’ve felt like God was leading me to do something for awhile.  Find something I could really sink my teeth into.”
How is God speaking to you in your life?
What excites your imagination or frustrates so much you want to change it?  When was the last time you tried to “dip your foot in the pool” with giving something of yourself to honor God to someone in need?
Took a shift volunteering with your church’s child care, found a cause or ministry already connected with your church, or just checked out one of the ministries that you discovered online in your area?  Have you ever thought of checking out a ministry that you’re already supporting financially?
God calls us to raise up disciples as part of our faith walk.  Giving to missionaries and ministries is something we can do, but it shouldn’t be all that we do.  How can we start to know Christ more intimately, to share our blessings and gifts with those less fortunate, if we don’t seek something that stretches us?
These are questions I have asked myself.  Questions I ask of each of my missionary staff and volunteers.  Where am I in my faith walk, have I become to comfortable?  What am I learning new each day that encourages me to reach outside my comfort zone and see what God is up to in His kingdom?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Take Two

It’s no secret that the Economy seems to be dominating the news and the attention of the general public.  There is no area it has not touched on, it seems.  Just this past month I read a comment on how it was affecting the mission field.  How “the recession is permanently changing the way people think about giving - and how they want to interact with charities and each other.”
I was intrigued.  I wanted to learn more!  The more secular articles fairly screamed about how there was a tremendous short fall in giving as people lost confidence in a quick recovery.  Even some large Church organizations were talking about  tightening their belts and re-organizing.  Yet, the grass roots ministries and missionaries seemed to have a remarkably different perspective.

There has been a marked rise in “in-Kind” giving, whether clothing, food, sundries, or office supplies.  More and more, individuals would like to offer some of their skills, their expertise, or even their time, rather than just money.  A marked rise!  How can that not be good for God’s kingdom and His people!
The other half of that “changing the way people think about giving - and how they want to interact with charities and each other,” I discovered, was that those that wish to support, want to know more about what and who they are supporting. 
People are no longer sending their money out to several missionaries and organizations,      satisfied they have done what they can.  I have had more than one donor say that now, as a couple, they are selecting only a few and expecting to know more, be involved more, and see the impact that their donations are creating for the kingdom of God!
Often they are learning more about the missionaries and missions, themselves, praying more, being intentional and specific in what events or groups they are supporting.  They are using their own contacts with other friends, small groups, and church leaders to network and interact together for everyone’s benefit!

This is the best news ever!  The body of Christ is moving in a big way!   I’m so excited that you are a part of this with me, too!  You have surrounded me with prayer, time, support, encouragement and more.  You are already faithful to God’s kingdom building, and I feel blessed that Prodigal Gatherings has always been so well suited to all of these forms of donating!
Whether you’ve known me personally, through ministry, or heard me speak at your church, you have prayerfully made offerings for God’s kingdom and call on me to be a missionary.  I am eternally grateful and give God the glory for you!
I am passionate about our youth and volunteers, and now I can add, passionate for this good news of how God is moving.  I would love to invite you to join with me in getting the word out!  I think everyone needs to hear some good news about the body of Christ, and the triumph of God despite these days!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
I Thessalonians 5:11-18