Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Everyone's Economy

It's been a tough year for everyone.  In the East Colfax community in which I serve, I watched a family lose their electricity because the father couldn't find enough day labor work to cover the bill.  And then I watched as everyday Christians and Bible study groups responded to our call and, each giving what they could, they raised enough the lights and heat back on.

These times have not just hit our poor community, but everyone, from our volunteers, who paid high gas prices this summer to come mentor our youth, to churches looking to give where the need is the greatest and the impact the most.  Troubling days in the secular world highlight what makes Christians so very different.  We might be tightening our budgets a bit more, but we know what treasure our God has in store for us.

If you would like know more about becoming one of my ministry partners, or find out more about the kingdom work happening on East Colfax, please contact me.  All donations are tax deductible, and those made before Dec 31st will apply to this year's tax refunds.  More importantly, your financial support will have a kingdom impact on the lives of needy kids and teens.

As we celebrate the birth of Christ, Immanuel, God with us, the true treasure of our lives, both Nathan and I are wishing you and your loved ones a safe and joyous Christmas & a happy New Year!